Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20 Cancer Moon

This last weekend, David read at the Hotel, as I had back-to-back private parties.
He came up with a wonderful Tarot card layout to locate a missing item!
Here's how to do it:
Mix the deck well, or have the Client mix them, thinking of the missing item.
Divide the deck up into piles, one pile for each possible place you think the item might be, as well as a "mystery" pile, for a place you haven't yet considered.


Next, have the Client close her eyes, you move a few of the piles around, and have her either touch them and tell you which feels most interesting or different, or just select one.

Have her open her eyes. Spread out the cards in the selected pile, and tell her to point to three.

Reveal the three cards, they will tell an obvious story about the location of the item, how it was misplaced, and sometimes who has it now!

David says he uses the "piles" just to separate the cards, and never remembers which pile is "Car" or "House"; he just uses the chosen card meanings to reveal the location.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 Pisces Moon

Pisces Moon

10pm...The Hotel and Restaurant are full of groups of young women, bachelorette parties and other festive small clusters of pretty giggling and wobbling on extra-high heels.
The Ballroom behind me is set up with an extra bar and a deejay; the famous outside pool/patio/bar temporarily closed pending its' annual transformation into Summer Fabulousness.
The Security Staff is expectant, professional, ready-to-go, not yet worn down by the patrons, hoping for a night without Too Much Drama. They coolly man the entrances and check Ids; checking IDs is the easiest thing they will do tonight.

12:30am...the Hallway is jammed. It's hard to be heard over the noisy chatter, and I'm straining my voice. I've read for an impressive number of people tonight, all women. I was worried there might be tears, with the Moon in Pisces creating excess emotional touchiness, but everyone has been super fun and funny. I'm so relieved! Tonight has actually been a pleasure.

1am......We are done! Off to Buzzbrews to grab a bite and wind down. If we get there before the bars close we can get a table, and the place will be only slightly busy; the last thing I want is more loudness and the crush of too many people. I want to NOT TALK for awhile, and to eat just enough to get relaxed and sleepy.

Poor, Neglected Blog!

To My Blog:

I am so sorry for neglecting you like this...shame on me!

My Blog Archives are embarrassing, they only show posts from 2008.

I needed to either delete you or begin participating again.

My life has been really exciting for the past two years while I've ignored you; but now it's time to Stop Being Overwhelmed (even by Good Stuff) and become consistent with you.

So, Dear Blog, Let's have fun again!
